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What to expect from Lucy Dacus’ new album, ‘Forever Is A Feeling’

Two years after the last Boygenius release and four after her latest solo album, Lucy Dacus is the first member of the supergroup to announce a solo album, Forever Is A Feeling. In their previous projects, the 3-time-Emmy-winner group brought rebellion back to the stages along with a liberating portrayal of female friendship.Dacus’ latest album Home Video told us about her childhood, going to bible study camps and discovering her sexuality. But, in her new work, which gets released this friday,...

Água e Esgoto para Todos: A luta pela universalização do saneamento no Brasil

O Dia Mundial da Água, 22 de março, foi criado pela ONU – Organização das Nações Unidas e nos convida a refletir sobre a conservação e o desenvolvimento dos recursos hídricos. No Brasil, o acesso ao saneamento básico ainda é um desafio para milhões de pessoas, impactando diretamente a saúde pública e o meio ambiente. Um exemplo disso é que ainda hoje milhões de litros de esgoto sem tratamento são despejados na natureza, contaminando rios, solos e aquíferos. Esse volume corresponde diariamente a...

Fernanda Montenegro entrega atuação tocante em seu novo filme, 'Vitória'

Após o sucesso de Ainda Estou Aqui, ganhador do Oscar 2025 de Melhor Filme Internacional, Fernanda Montenegro protagoniza, aos 95 anos, um novo filme. O longa-metragem Vitória, dirigido por Andrucha Waddington, estreou nesta quinta-feira, dia 13, e foi inspirado por uma história real ocorrida no Rio de Janeiro, em 2005.O caso ocorreu com Joana da Paz, idosa que morava em Copacabana, em frente à Ladeira dos Tabajaras. Incomodada com as violentas ações dos grupos traficantes que via pela janela de...

Como as medidas tomadas por Donald Trump afetam o avanço ambiental? 

Mais do que a recente reeleição de Donald Trump nos Estados Unidos, as medidas tomadas pelo presidente desde 2017, no seu primeiro mandato, hoje impactam de forma generalizada a questão ambiental. Tendo em vista seu histórico e posicionamento, especialistas em clima e meio ambiente reforçam como esse novo governo estadunidense está colocando em risco os esforços para combater a crise climática. Para Trump, interesses geopolíticos referentes à extração de combustíveis fósseis estão acima de qualq...

Geração Z e a reformulação estratégica das marcas

Composta por pessoas nascidas entre 1995 e 2010, a Geração Z foi o primeiro grupo a ser considerado como nativo digital. Isso quer dizer que a internet e as redes sociais já fazem parte do cotidiano deles desde muito cedo. Como consequência, o acesso a esse mundo digital, cheio de possibilidades, tem demonstrado um público cada vez mais exigente e atento à autenticidade das marcas. Hoje, para conquistar sua atenção e fidelidade, as empresas precisam ir além da tradicional propaganda e alinhar di...

Por que encontramos conforto em romances sem “felizes para sempre”?

O amor sempre foi um dos maiores temas de interesse humano, e entre suas diversas facetas, o relacionamento “falho” é uma das maiores inquietações que perduram na mente humana. A sociedade é rodeada de obras que têm o amor que falhou como objeto de inspiração, como O enterro de Atalá de Anne-Louis Girodet nas artes plásticas e a clássica tragédia Romeu & Julieta escrita por William Shakespeare na literatura. Nos últimos anos, o cinema abriu cada vez mais espaço para obras que trazem romances sem...

“¿Quién nos va a salvar?”: O ativismo de Bad Bunny através da música 

À medida que as eleições norte-americanas se aproximam, o cantor porto-riquenho Bad Bunny tem usado de suas redes sociais para expor suas opiniões políticas. Através do Instagram, compartilhou um vídeo de oito minutos que celebra a resistência e a história de Porto Rico, alcançando quase 2 milhões de curtidas em menos de uma semana. O conteúdo resgata aspectos culturais e históricos do país e surgiu poucos dias após o polêmico comentário do comediante Tony Hinchcliffe no comício do candidato à p...

A construção de um clássico - uma análise dos maiores filmes de terror

O terror é um dos gêneros mais fascinantes do cinema, sendo capaz de provocar emoções duradouras e nos deixar grudados na tela. Desde o começo, enfrentaram resistência da indústria, muitas vezes vistos como menores ou descartáveis, principalmente em grandes premiações. No entanto, alguns deles conseguiram romper essa barreira e deixar sua marca no mundo cinematográfico. O início do cinema de horror remonta ao final do século XIX, com filmes como Le Manoir du Diable, de Georges Méliès. Desde seus...

Navigating introversion while forever harboring extroverted desires

“Welcome to the eternal dance of being introverted whilst forever harboring extroverted ambitions”, wrote the singer Marina (also known as Marina and The Diamonds) in one of her newsletters. In the lyrics for her song “Happy Loner”, she also states that “When the world is overwhelming, I need to breathe / ‘Cause I’m happy being a loner”. As the inspiration for this article, the welsh singer-songwriter also wrote in her newsletter how easy it was for her to fall into her solitude and kinda isolat...

While “mere mortals” stand for the #GazaCeasefire, many A-List celebrities continue to show their indifference

For months, the news alerts haven’t stopped talking about the battle between Israel and Hamas, while people worldwide are showing solidarity. However, some celebrities seem to be oblivious to the horrors happening in Gaza and have not spoken or done anything about it. While the “mere mortals” use their minimal social media range to share crucial information about the ongoing war, artists with millions of followers couldn’t care less about it and show how insignificant the state of Palestinians m...

Bella Hadid's impact when supporting Palestine and the Gaza ceasefire

As you may already know, Bella Hadid is one of the most known US supermodels of this generation. The 27-year-old woman has 61,3 million followers on her Instagram account and is often vocal about her political views, especially when linked to her heritage. But why is it so crucial to have a large number of followers, which is often seen as a shallow fact in real life, in the current Israel–Palestine scenario?

Well, with Bella’s Palestinian ancestry on her father’s side, and given the current si

Exploring The Marías’ Lyrics On New Album ‘Submarine’

The Marías is an indie-pop band that plays in both English and Spanish. You may have heard of them before with their viral Tik Tok song “Hush” from their debut album, Cinema. In the last month, Maria Zardoya, Joshua David Conway, Edward James and Jesse Perlman released their newest album: Submarine.

In this new era, the band experimented with their sound and lyricism, exploring the concept to its limit at the same time they kept the atmosphere of their old stuff. Another highlight is that the a

Exploring Chappell Roan: a Modern Pop Princess in the Making

Chappell Roan exploded with her debut album The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess. She made herself in the Top 77 from Billboard and broke the “gay famous” ceiling, as put by SNL. Her most famous song, Good Luck, Babe!, has over 100 million streams – but who is she? Why is everyone so obsessed with her?

Born in a small town with only 6000 habitants, Willard Mo, in Missouri, U.S., and currently living in Los Angeles, California, Roan’s career made a likewise change of direction. However, the s

7 Must-Watch Video Essays For Women In Their 20s

Have you ever seen a topic and thought: “I could talk about this for hours”? That’s what video essays are for! This new type of long length videos has been growing in popularity for the last few years.

These type of content is basically a deep dive into a topic that interests certain community. So, if you want to get to know more of this world (or if you are simply in need for some recommendations), here are some of our favorites to get you started!

if you’re in need of some reflection

1. ‘th

Female University Players Share Their Views on the World of eSports

In a nutshell, eSports are organized electronic gaming competitions, involving teams or individual players. This community, as many other sports’ ones, is pretty much male dominated. Being a woman in our society is already hard but, unfortunately, in these places, it becomes even harder.

To know more about how it is to be a female eSports player on the daily, I interviewed three Cásper Líbero’s eSports team members. Come with us to see what Sofia Faltz, Marina Cruz and Joyce Yuki told us about

Wagner Moura and other Brazilian actors we should be paying close attention to

Brazilian actor Wagner Moura continues to shine in the spotlight of the film industry, now with his role in A24‘s latest film, Civil War, released in April 2024. His charisma, beauty, and talent have captured the attention of international and national audiences once again, making him the sensation of the moment.

Likely so, Wagner’s hype leads us to look at other Brazilian gems who have already made their mark internationally. Here, take a look at some other Brazilian actors who deserve to be r

We should all be Samanthas: 5 lessons from the 'Sex and the City' character

Amidst the skyscrapers and cocktail bars of New York City, Samantha Jones (Kim Cattrall) reigned as a goddess of empowerment, style, and authenticity. There’s no doubt she gave us classes on how to remain authentic, free and stylish – all at once! Let’s delve deeper into the valuable lessons that this fashion and power icon left us:

Build Your Own Empire. No man needed.

With her avant-garde attitude and fierce independence, Samantha Jones always challenged the traditional conventions of marria

World Press Freedom Day: Understand Its Importance and Significance

Today the world celebrates the World Press Freedom Day, a fundamental right that not only upholds the integrity of information but also serves as a guardian for the maintenance of democracy. However, have you ever stopped to reflect about the impact that this freedom has on your life and the society in which you live?

Press freedom is a right guaranteed by law

To those of you who don’t know, it ensures that journalists have the ability to investigate and disseminate information freely, promoti

TTPD is, perhaps, the beginning of the end of Taylor Swift's era

The Tortured Poets Department is, perhaps, the beginning of the end of Taylor Swift‘s era and, here, I will try to explain why. In an attempt to make a project close to her last three released studio albums – folklore, evermore and Midnights -, the singer immersed into lyrics, above all, obvious ones, and melodies less explored acoustically. Of course I know that it’s impossible that in 31 songs, none would attract me – which is the case with “But Daddy I Love Him”, “Florida!!!”, “The Smallest M

8 must-read mangas if you want to get into the genre

Manga is the name given to Japanese comic books – which have striking characteristics that differentiate them from other comic books. The list goes from the way it is read and published, the layout, and all the way to features in the character drawings.

The origin of manga took place in the time of Oricom Shohatsu (Shadow Theater), in the 17th century, when artists traveled through villages telling stories through the shadows.

Now, with more access to Japanese culture globally, consumption of

From FYP to Fresh Start: Can TikTokers Ever Truly Rebrand?

Over the past few years, many of TikTok’s most followed stars have been trying out for bigger things. From acting to singing careers, one by one they’ve moved beyond the platform – but not all transitions have been that smooth. Why this sudden urge to depart from TikTok, and is it truly worth the effort?

There isn’t a clear starting point for this trend, but many would point to Dixie D’Amelio as a trailblazer. Being one of the first major tiktokers to give it a try, she released a song called B
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